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Welcome to our website!

Jeff and I love to see the world. It’s what we do. It’s why we work. But it’s just as fun for us to share our adventures with family, friends, and fellow travelers.

And with that, The Curious Travelers website was born.

So, no matter what reason brought you here, we’re glad to have you! We hope you’ll enjoy this site, which includes:

  • TRAVEL BLOG:  Travel “with” us via our blog, which includes stories and pictures from our trips.
  • TIPS & TRICKS:  Learn some helpful tips & tricks based on our travels.
  • ABOUT US: Learn more about us, if you like. We are normal folks (with a travel addiction)…
  • CONTACT US: Contact us if you have any comments or questions. We’d love to hear from you!

We hope you enjoy traveling the world with us!


Jen and Jeff (aka, The Curious Travelers)



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